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A coffee face off!


Not matter whether you’re young or old a mobile phone brings with it one certain temptation – to take selfies. Now imagine you want to combine this skill with your passion for coffee – impossible? Nothing in this world is truly impossible it seems.
The so called selficcino  has come of age. A central London called the Tea Terrace has taken barista art to whole new level. You may be familiar with decorative layers of chocolate chips gently melting into your freshly brewed cup of coffee or gentle patterns by people who take the time to make your daily brew something special but how would you react if you saw your own face on top of your coffee?
The coffee shop uses modern technology combined with your own mobile phone images and uploads it into the machine. The machine then uses edible food dye to sprinkle, oh so delicately, on top of the coffee.

The idea of having selficcino’s is all part of the modern social media age as many of the images are immediately uploaded onto Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Apparently the £2 extra charge is sometimes easier to stomach than actually drinking a coffee with one’s own face on it.

UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
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