National Sandwich Day

Today is National Sandwich Day and in praise of one of the vending machine staple dishes, we thought we’d give you some fascinating sandwich statistics.

Did you know?

  • Over 3,000,000,000 sandwiches are purchased from UK retail or catering outlets each year.
  • We spend over £8,000,000,000 a year on sandwiches.
  • The average price of a sandwich almost £2.14.
  • Britain’s biggest sandwich retailer by £value in the UK is the American franchise chain Subway which has shot ahead of the UK’s biggest retailers, including Tesco, Greggs and Marks & Spencer’s, in the sandwich stakes in the value of the sandwiches they sell. However, Tesco outsells them in the numbers of sandwiches sold by several million.
  • In the UK there are over 300,000 people employed in the sandwich industry.
  • According to data from Kantar, Bacon came out as the top sandwich filling.

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