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UKV JAZZ 27 Snack Vending Machine



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Average rating: 4.9, based on 1 reviews

UK Vending provides wonderfully simple to operate Snack vending machines that provide a quick and easy way to sell the best selling snacks, crisps and sweets. Moreover, these Snack vending machines can be tailored for your own set of requirements. We can arrange for them to be coin or token operated and each comes with the very latest digital technology and easy to use instructions.

Each machine fits seamlessly into virtually any office or work environment and are extremely durable.

UK Vending has two different machines within the UKV Jazz range that can be configured for your workplace; The UKV JAZZ 27 and UKV JAZZ 30. The UKV JAZZ 27 is ideal for snacks and has a capacity of 344 items whilst the 30 can be configured as a mixed snack and drinks machine or as a drinks only machine with a capacity of 30 cans and drink bottles.

UKV JAZZ 27 Snack Vending Machine Specifications

UKV JAZZ 27 Snack Vending Machine Reviews

UK Vending Ltd

UK Vending are always extremely helpful when you phone to place an order. They offer advice on the strengths of different coffees, and the fact that you can order just one rail is very useful, so you can try out new flavours. There is a large range of drinks available for the Flavia machines - haven't tried them all, but definitely have my favourites! Delivery is always very quick - essential as it's often not until one of the coffees has run out completely that I remember to buy some more!

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UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
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