Chocolate: the very word makes some people start to long for the stuff, well Cadbury’s have been making chocolate for nearly 200 years and here are some interesting facts about the company that you never knew.
- There are 350 million bars of Dairy Milk chocolate sold every year. That’s nearly a million a day.
- Cadbury’screated the first heart-shaped chocolate box. Richard Cadbury, the son of the Founder, John Cadbury, came up with the idea for St. Valentine’s Day, in 1861.
- People love Crunchies!In fact so much so that Cadbury produces 1,200 Crunchies per minutes … that’s 1 million Crunchies per day!
- The chocolatiers once owned the color purple. Well, their own particular shade of purple (Pantone 2685c) famously used on the Dairy Milk packaging. They lost ownership of this colour following a court battle with competitors Nestlé.
- Cadbury’s was established in Birmingham in England 1824, by John Cadbury who sold tea, coffee, and drinking chocolate.
- In 1933 Cadbury built its first factory on Ossory Road, Dublin. When it first started production the factory only produced three products, including its world famous Dairy Milk. Cadbury now has factories in Coolock, Dublin, and Rathmore in County Kerry.
- Cadbury’s made some of thefirst milk chocolate in the world. In 1857 a Swiss manufacturer, Daniel Peter added milk to the recipe … and Dairy Milk was born! Cadbury’s milk chocolate finally hit the shelves in 1897.
- Cadbury is a fair trade product. They were certified back in 2008 and have increased the amount of fair trade cocoa sourced in West Africa.
- Cadbury was the official cocoa andchocolate makers for Queen Victoria. John Cadbury and his brother were given the first Royal Warrant by Her Majesty in 1854.
- Cadbury is the second largestsweet (candy) and chocolate company in the world employing 70,000 people in 50 countries.
- During the World War II, Cadbury’s was forced to remove Dairy Milk from shelves, as the government banned manufacturers from using fresh milk. Cadbury’s produced ration chocolateusing dried skimmed milk chocolate.