3 cups of coffee could have a health benefit

Every month it seems like there is further evidence of the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle and that coffee can play a part. The latest published research was in the respected British Medical Journal (BMJ).


Essentially the journal concluded that moderate coffee drinking, ie no more than three to four cups a day may have some health benefits, particularly in regard to some cancers and also to lower the risk of liver disease. There is also some evidence to support the view that drinking coffee could also help prevent strokes.

Whilst these areas were highlighted as beneficial the journal, however, reasserted the long held view that too much coffee during pregnancy is harmful. The research was conducted by the University of Southampton who collected data from over 200 separate studies in recent years. The results were fascinating.

Non coffee drinkers were at a higher risk of developing heart problems than those who drank around three cups of coffee a day, but it was in the area of liver disease that the greatest benefits were determined.


The scientists behind the study are at pains to say that drinking too much coffee remains a problem, but moderate drinking could, possibly, also give drinkers an added side health benefit too. Current NHS recommendations on coffee consumption are that pregnant women have no more than 200mg of caffeine per day because it may increase the risk of a miscarriage. For other adults the daily recommended intake is 400mg a day or less.

How much caffeine in my drink?

  • one mug of filter coffee: 140mg
  • one mug of instant coffee: 100mg
  • one mug of tea: 75mg
  • one can of cola: 40mg
  • one 250ml can of energy drink: up to 80mg
  • bar of plain chocolate: less than 25mg
  • bar of milk chocolate: less than 10mg



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