5 cuppas a day will see you right in old age

It is often said that there is nothing that can’t be worked out after a good cup of tea. Well, scientists seem to agree with this old adage as they have concluded that if you drink up to five cups of tea a day it will boost your brainpower in old age.

A recent study found that older people who drank at least five cups of tea a day may be more quick-thinking and focused than those who don’t. People aged 85 who drink lots of tea were found to be faster at making choices and had better concentration. These skills could be helpful in activities such as DIY and completing jigsaw puzzles.

The study conducted by Newcastle University’s Human Nutrition Research Centre took 676 older people who all drank black tea or tea with milk. Low and moderate tea drinkers had a quarter to just under five cups of tea a day on average, while whose with high consumption had five to twelve cups a cups.

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