5 things you never knew about coffee

Here at UKVending we love everything about coffee and we also love to share some of the strange and bizarre stuff we’ve found out about coffee over the years. So here are 5 things you never knew about your favourite drink, coffee.
Are you addicted to coffee? It’s nothing new, famed composer Johann Sebastian Bach was so addicted to coffee he wrote a cantata inspired by his condition.
Prostate cancer. Men who drink six or more cups of coffee daily have a 20 percent less chance of it developing in the first place
Have you ever drunk so much coffee that you started to see visions? Well you wouldn’t be the first as one of the first uses of coffee was to produce ecstatic religious visions.
Your one or two cups of coffee a day may seem like a lot to you, but it’s nothing. Every year around the globe approximately 500 billion cups of coffee are produced.
Do you go for the classic filtered coffee once in a while? Well you’ll be pleased to know that if you use paper filters, they remove the toxins that are linked to heart disease.