7 Items To Include In Your Company Break Room

Break rooms are an integral part of any workplace, and deserve a lot more attention than you’d think. Aside from simply providing a space where employees can decompress for a moment, a break room should be inviting and foster an environment where everyone can mix and mingle. If you’re in the process of designing (or redesigning) your company break room, consider these essential items.

  1. Comfortable Seating & Tables

Stiff wooden chairs aren’t comfortable, so why have them in the break room? Employees will be more appreciative of chairs that are actually comfortable. When choosing break room furniture, perhaps take a couple of employees to the store to test them out before purchasing them.

  1. Free Coffee

There are plenty of office coffee services out there. Coffee has long been known to increase mental energy, so by providing free coffee it will help employees be more productive.

  1. TV

You might be asking, ‘why on Earth would I put a TV in the break room?’ After all, people are there to do work. But a TV can provide employees a mental escape from work if needed. A TV also keeps everyone connected to current events, so if something happens that’s news worthy, everyone can feel involved and know what’s going on. Just be sure to enforce strict rules about the volume, and consider limiting the amount of channels offered.

  1. Drinks & Snacks

It’s become very popular among many offices to provide free snacks and drinks for employees. If you have the room and budget for this sort of office perk, then by all means pursue it. If not, consider getting some vending machines. Free vending services like our full-service program provide drinks and snacks at no cost to your business, and offer a way for employees to get a quick drink or snack.

  1. Refrigerator & Microwave

Definitely a must-have. Even if it’s a mini fridge. Employees who bring their lunch need a place to put it, and a way to heat it up if necessary. Plus, if you offer free drinks and snacks, you’ll need a place to keep them cold somehow!

  1. Games

Games? Much like the TV, it seems counter intuitive. But hear us out: multiplayer games like a billiards table, ping pong table, or even board games help foster strong and positive relationships among employees. It also provides a way for them to engage in an activity away from work that will help reduce stress.

  1. Celebrations

Every office needs a place for everyone to gather and celebrate important moments. Birthdays, holidays, and company goals are all part the workplace and shouldn’t be treated as something extra.


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