Anyone for a cup of ‘Monkey Spit Coffee’?
No really, on the island of Taiwan this is a real thing. Farmers on the island collect the spat out remains of coffee beans that have been chewed by Taiwanese macaque monkeys. Somewhere in the past a farmer discovered that the coffee made from these spat out bean bits has a ‘vanilla-like scent’. How they discovered this, no one has had the heart to ask. What is known, however, is that Monkey Spit Coffee is amongst the world’s most expensive coffee’s with prices of $56 per pound of coffee beans not being unusual.
Still beats the idea of ‘Cat poop coffee’ or ‘black ivory coffee’ that has passed through the inside of a Thai elephant.
Remember you can always rely on UKVending to give you fabulous, great tasting coffees, teas and hot chocolates at affordable prices.