At last…used crisp bags can be recycled

Image result for walkers crisp packet

It has taken a long time and a lot of talk but finally empty crisp packets can now be collected for recycling for the first time. Across the country there will be hundreds of collection sites for old crisp packets.

The United Kingdom is Europe’s largest consumer of crisps with over 6 billion packets sold to over 90 percent of adults.  Walkers Crisps produce a staggering 7,000 crisp packets every single minute. Walkers are committed to making their packaging 100 per cent recyclable, compostable or biodegradable by 2025. Similar pledges have been made by KP Snacks, Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury, Aldi, Lidl, Waitrose and Marks and Spencer.

The plan for the collection, disposal and recycling of crisp packets will see hundreds of collection points established across the country at schools, fire stations, shops and other locations and operated by a company called TerraCycle. The scheme will accept any brand and consumers who have 400 or more packets can send them via a courier system.

Once collected the crisp packets will be sanitized, shredded and then turned into small plastic pellets which in turn can be reused as anything from outdoor furniture, trays, roofing or even flooring materials.

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