Broccoli Coffee anyone?

It’s true around 70 percent of us don’t eat enough roughage in our diets; all those green leaved vegetables, fruit and fibre. So what would you say if I told you that the latest superfood fad could solve all your problems as well as letting you drink coffee?
Yes, let me introduce you to….Broccoli Coffee.
Okay, so let’s make it clear UKVending has no immediate plans to stock Broccoli Coffee, but we thought it would be interesting to see more about this latest coffee product.
Here’s the science bit. Broccoli Coffee is exactly what it sounds like. Coffee with broccoli in it. More precisely it is a powdered version of broccoli that has been developed by Australia’s National Science Agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Csiro). The powder is added to lattes.
On paper it all sounds wonderful. You get extra fibre in your diet by adding a powder to your coffee. After all most of us in the United Kingdom are failing to achieve the advised five portions of vegetables a day in our diet. Here’s more science speak: The lead researcher for the Australian project Mary Ann Augustin told the press that the broccoli powder contains ‘bioactive phytochemicals’ which are health promoting.
It wouldn’t be the first time that we have added food stuffs to our drinks with turmeric and spirulina being often used in drinks and both of these having health benefits, so why not broccoli?
Broccoli is one of those vegetables with a love/hate relationship. You either enjoy it or you don’t even if you know it is probably doing you good. There is also a business case for developing broccoli powder as the broccoli used is usually of less quality than those that end up on supermarket shelves. This would go a long way to reduce the 7.3 million tonnes of food that is wasted each year in the United Kingdom alone.
So does anyone fancy a broccollatte? You’ll have to wait sometime before it appears at your local coffee shop as the manufacturers of the broccoli powder are currently conducting trials to see if people can be won over to the idea of a broccoli coffee?