Great Britain with the cold chills and the wind whipping across the landscape like a banshee is probably not somewhere you likely to see lots of cactus plants. Yet it is from these prickly customers that the latest health fad has emerged: Cactus Water.

We at UKVending like the idea of drinking a glass of cactus water, but we’re a little afraid of actually getting close to one of these spiny plants to extract the H2O it contains.
So what is the latest fad all about and, if you pardon the pun, does it hold any water?
The hype surrounding Cactus Water is that it is a multivitamin drink similar to the, much more accessible and easier to harvest coconut water. The drink is made from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus, so not every cactus plant will do. The drink has been tested and contains high levels of electrolytes and flavonoids; the latter are particularly good when used as an anti inflammatory.
Scientists who have tested cactus water in laboratory conditions found it also contained significant amounts of the antioxidant betalains – which is useful for lowering blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetics, as well as also being useful for reducing the effects of a heavy night on the town!
The biggest snag with cactus water is its price. American retailers are selling a small bottle – it’s hard to extract water from a prickly pear cactus – at £2.75. Cactus water will reach British shores eventually and it will sell in trendy health stores. For now, we at UKVending will stick to our exceptionally clear, cold, refreshing water from one of our range of water vending machines.

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