Can coffee, alcohol and being overweight really, actually, be good for you?
It sounds completely and utter wrong, but perhaps we’ve all been looking at coffee, booze and being overweight the wrong way. New research conducted by the University of California’s Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders started a study way back in 2003 that took 1,600 people and studied them for the last almost twenty years. The so called 90+ study was designed to see what it took to get people to live healthy, active and rewarding lives to over 90 years old.
The most surprising results from the study concluded that a morning cup of coffee, a little bit of alcohol and being a bit overweight (not obese mind) may actually help you live longer. The researchers wrote on their website: “Because little is known about people who achieve this milestone, the remarkable increase in the number of oldest-old presents a public health priority to promote the quality as well as the quantity of life,”