Christopher Columbus certainly could keep a secret

Today almost everyone enjoys the taste and texture of chocolate the world over. It is one of the world’s go-to feel good foods that can almost cure a rainy day with its pick me up qualities. So, it is perhaps a little surprising that the Spanish wanted to keep it a secret from the rest of the world back in the 15th century.

While Columbus brought cacao beans back with him on his fourth trip, it was Hernan Cortés who popularized the drink. Unpleasantly bitter, cocoa only became popular with Spanish nobility after they added sugar.

The English Armada would even toss cargo containers of cocoa from captured Spanish vessels because they thought it had no value.

Spain continued growing cocoa throughout its colonies and Monks kept it secret until Spanish Princess Maria Theresa gave it as an engagement gift to Luis XIV of France in 1615. From there, word spread throughout Europe.

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