Coffee: the heart of the matter

Your heart’s not in it, as the old saying goes, but when it comes to coffee, your heart could be the organ of the body that is most driving you to make your coffee choice. New research from Australia seems to indicate that our favoured type of coffee is genetically fixed to reflect our heart’s health.

If you are prone to cardio problems the researchers at the University of South Australia discovered you tend to choose smaller, weaker drinks, while those with better blood pressure tend to pick black coffee and espresso instead.

The large-scale study involved 390,000 people found those opting for milky lattes and cappuccinos were found to be less tolerant to caffeine and may have weaker hearts.

People who prefer decaf or hate coffee were more likely to have high blood pressure, angina, and heart arrhythmia.

Caffeine can make you feel more alert, but side-effects include insomnia and anxiety.

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