Could an early morning coffee be bad for your blood sugar levels?

We’ve all been there. Early morning, bleary eyed we reach for a pick me up to face the day. We brew a strong coffee to get our bodies and our minds working. But we might actually be doing the completely wrong thing?

A new study highlighted by the TV network CNN, found that drinking a cup of coffee first thing could have a sizeable and noticeably negative impact on our blood sugar control – which could have major implications for our future diabetes and heart disease risks.

The small-scale study by the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath was overseen by Professor James Betts, who said: “We know that nearly half of us will wake in the morning and, before doing anything else, drink coffee – intuitively the more tired we feel, the stronger the coffee,” 

“Put simply, our blood sugar control is impaired when the first thing our bodies come into contact with is coffee especially after a night of disrupted sleep. We might improve this by eating first and then drinking coffee later if we feel we still feel need it. Knowing this can have important health benefits for us all.”

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