Could you go 31 days without chocolate?
To many of us the idea of giving up chocolate for a whole month sounds incomprehensible and unworkable. Many of us rely on our daily fix of the sweet stuff to get us through the day, be it work, the kids, partners or any other form of stress that pervades our lives. But could you, for one month give up chocolate if say it was for a good cause?
What if that cause was The British Heart Foundation, whose work into cardiac problems has proven to save thousands of lives every year? Could you then give up your daily treat for a month and use the money saved as a donation to the cause instead?
That’s the premise behind the charity’s new appeal for March, a month when most of us eat loads of chocolate as Easter approaches.
The British Heart Foundation is asking people to take part in DeChox where we will abstain from chocolate in all its forms, from the bars, to the biscuits and even hot chocolate drinks.
You can find out how you can get involved by visiting the British Heart Foundation website at: