Don’t boil water for the best cup of tea?

If you’ve been making a cuppa with boiling hot water all this time…you’ve been doing it wrong. At least that is the opinion of professional food and drink taster Martin Isark.

There is one thing that us Brits all agree on, the right way to make a cup of tea? Right, no wrong. There are so many different opinions on what makes the right cuppa, weak, strong, builders or whatever, but up till now we have mostly all agreed that it needs boiling water. Well, now even that assumption has been turned on its head by Martin Isark and Yorkshire Tea.

Now these are the steps we’ve all taken to make tea.

When the water is hot enough, pour it into your mug and wait patiently for it to brew – four to five minutes.

Gently squidge the tea bag against the side of the mug and add as much milk and sugar as you please.

But according to Martin Isark, a professional food and drink taster, we’ve all be doing it wrong – including the tea connoisseurs.

Martin says that you should never use boiling water to make a traditional brew because it will make it taste ‘no better than cabbage water.’

Instead, he says you should let the water cool down to 80 degrees. 

He explained that boiling water was originally used when it was necessary to make sure that the water was safe to drink.

He said: “It’s time to debunk the myth that you should use boiling water.

“Having the water too hot will kill the desirable nuances of tea and all you are left with is a strong flavour of dry, astringent tannins.

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