Elephants and coffee?

Here at UKVending we have told you in the past about how civet cats who have munched on coffee beans and er, done their business, so to speak, made the world’s most expensive coffee, well it seems that the civet’s have some big competition, very big in fact, elephants.

Kopi Luwak is the name of the coffee that is made with coffee beans that have passed through a civet, and it seems that the same name has stuck for the elephant variant, although it is sometimes marketed as ‘Black Ivory Coffee’. The Thai manufacturers of the new elephant variety have a strong order book for what they describe as a ‘unique product’ despite the eye watering price of $1,100 per kilogram or roughly $50 a cup of coffee!

But, have no fears that the elephants are being exploited in any way as the Black Ivory Coffee Company only use elephants who have been rescued and given a new, good life in an elephant refuge.

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