Enjoy an espresso and maybe stave off dementia

In the fight against the insidious disease Alzheimer’s any good news is a blessing and in Italy, home of the espresso, scientists have tentatively made a connection with having a shot of espresso and improved mental health in those afflicted with thi terrible disease.

Coffee lovers, wanting that kick of caffeine have gone for an espresso for generations but now a compound within the drink has been linked to the disruption of the formation of fibril tangles in the brain, that have been associated with the development of Alzheimer’s. The research, being undertaken by the University of Verona in Italy, is still in an early phase, but it has been stated that the numerous studies currently underway around the world have concluded that moderate and, sometimes, even high coffee consumption exerts a neuroprotective effect against two of the most common neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

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