Five reasons you should be drinking coffee

???Coffee acts as a stimulant and improves the function of the central nervous system
Your risk of suffering from depression is lowered by up to 34 percent according to research conducted by Harvard University. If you drink two cups of decaffeinated coffee a day because of the level of antioxidants stimulate the production of the feel good hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. This is nothing new as the pharmacies in Finland sold coffee as a remedy for depression as long ago as the 17th Century. Today the Fins are the world’s second largest consumers of coffee; perhaps we should all take a lead from our Finnish friends. Oh yes, if you have three cups of decaffeinated a day the level of risk reduces yet further to 42 percent.

 If you drink your coffee without sugar then you’re doing something great. In fact something that could someday save your life. Coffee has been proven to reduce your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by up to 12 percent.

 Men over 40 take note. Drinking coffee has scientifically been shown to lower your chances of developing gout.

 Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimers sufferers have all shown remarkable responses with coffee. Research is continuing to discover if there are any further uses coffee can be put to in beating these horrid afflictions.

 Remember at UKVending we have a superb range of fresh ground coffees in our vending machines alongside refreshing teas, soups and soft drinks. Remember to re-order your supplies before they run out.






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