FLAVIA from UK Vending Ltd refreshes employees with Workplace Insights research

Highlighting the importance of core benefits to maintain staff performance in the workplace

Motivated employees are key to a successful business, especially in the current economic climate. Research carried out by FLAVIA highlights the need to maintain core benefits to keep employee morale high and at the peak of their abilities.

FLAVIA conducted a survey of over 600 employees in Great Britain as part of its research into what employees and decision-makers feel are important factors in their workplace. In response to questions about benefits, 81% believed tea and coffee to be a standard provision in the workplace, rather than an optional perk.

Dr. Rob Yeung, chartered psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society comments:

“People need to take breaks to remain productive. The average person’s attention span is only 20 minutes, so it is counterproductive to sit in front of a computer or stare at the same document for hours on end. If you’re looking for creative ideas or inspiration, the best advice is to take a break and stopping for a refreshing drink is a great solution.”

Dr. Rob Yeung continues, “employee motivation gurus argue that people must have their basic needs met before they can think about ‘higher’ needs such as those that impact their effectiveness at work. People can’t be productive and creative if they’re feeling hungry or thirsty. Companies that offer their employees a comfortable working environment and good quality services, such as on-site drinks and catering, are really helping their teams to be productive in their working day.”

Additional research commissioned by FLAVIA shows that 43% of employees say hot beverages specifically have a positive impact on their productivity, with 39% saying hot beverages help them to concentrate.Motivation also impacts facilities decision makers, including HR managers.

Demanding roles, where internal customer satisfaction is top priority means having efficient, reliable and good quality resources is essential. In terms of drinks provision, further research commissioned by FLAVIA shows that 76% of decision makers believe there is a positive impact on morale based on the choice of coffee systems.

“Quality, choice, convenience and reliability are all key decision making factors when looking to purchase workplace resources,” explains Justyna Ciepka, global marketing director at FLAVIA. “

Through this type of investment, employees benefit from quality refreshments whenever they need them while at work and employers show they care about their workforce.”Investment in workplace resources, such as coffee machines, allows companies to continue to motivate and invest in their employees in a cost-effective way during a difficult year for business.

Organisations throughout Great Britain continue to focus on the well-being of their employees and for more than forty years they have been assisted in doing so by UK Vending Ltd (UKV).

UKV is Britain’s oldest and longest serving vending supplier. A UK Platinum Distributor, for nearly 32 years UKV has been uniquely supplying Flavia & KLIX brands from Mars Drinks. The most prestigious organisations in Britain rely on UKV to serve their staff and customers hot drinks, chilled water and all other kinds of vended services keeping their staff at the peak of their performance.

UKV has customers who have stayed loyal almost 46 years proving that you can trust this family business for expertise and customer service and remarkable prices.

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