Frequently asked questions about coffee

In the United States today is celebrated as National Coffee Day so we thought we’d answer some frequently asked questions about coffee.

Coffee FAQ

Q. How long does the caffeine in coffee stay in my body?
A. Caffeine from coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) can remain in the body for up to 6 hours after consumption. While it may seem it’s effects have worn off, a cup of coffee consumed at 5 pm can still cause difficultly falling asleep if you like to go to bed early.

Q. What other beverages contain caffeine?
A. Sodas, black, white, and green teas, chocolate beverages, and energy drinks contain caffeine.

Q. Is caffeine a natural substance?
A. Yes, caffeine is a natural substance, but some products contain synthetic caffeine. Coffee is a natural source of caffeine. While there is no noted difference between natural and synthetic caffeine products that contain synthetic caffeine also tend to be loaded with sugar or other sweeteners.

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