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Has your business tried these today

Things to help your business today.

Keep your ear to the ground

Knowing our competitor’s offers, pricing policies and guarantees means you can legitimately claim you offer the very best. Remember, watch them but don’t be tempted to copy them! In fact, the opposite applies; try to be innovative and stress our unique selling points.
More positive thinking
Use all the media available to us to deliver good news about our business and raise our profile. Well written press releases (and we have interest in us form both TV and Radio presently) focussing on new initiatives, promotions, or company events and celebrations are likely to get published. It’s free advertising and the good news will make a nice change for people to read!
Rabbit rabbit rabbit

Regular contact with our customers is essential. Write to them and thank them for their custom, send them promotion information or just pick up the ‘phone to remind them who you are. Email newsletters are a great idea and won’t cost us the earth and these will go out monthly.
Stress the value

Try to focus our messaging on the things that matter most to buyers in slow economic times:- i.e. their bottom line, great value for money and a fast return on their investment. Remember, our customers are facing tight times too.
Measure, measure and measure again

Do we really know what’s bringing in the business? Evaluate every one of our marketing activities carefully including those you specifically use. Set yourself specific goals, such as a number of calls to make, a percentage of call-backs, etc, and then track how each activity delivers against those goals. Be ready to change marketing tactics that are not driving immediate business value and sales.

UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
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