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Italy is a country steeped in style and confidence. Italy is also a place that doesn’t just like coffee, they absolutely adore it. They love coffee as a national drink, the Italians have crafted some of the world’s best known and loved coffee creations so imagine how it must feel to be Italian and hear that Starbucks are coming to their country? What will this American upstart with their over-sized plastic cups full of heavily brewed coffee make of their reception in the home of the artisan coffee house?

The Seattle based coffee chain has been successful around the world in bringing the drinking of coffee to the masses in a convenient, efficient and accessible fashion; but Italy could be the country that breaks the mould and calls, if not a complete halt, certainly a slow down in the company’s global ambitions.

Starbucks are, however, not taking the prospect lightly. They realise that the Italian’s hold coffee close to their hearts and Howard Schultz, Starbuck’s founder told reporters that the planned outlet would be, “the quintessence of Milan” when it opens its doors in 2017. He added that the ship would be “in harmony with the rest of the city.” Milan is the first city to receive the attention of Starbucks with Verona and Venice close behind.

Traditional Italian expresso bars, however, are not overly worried by the American giant’s planned invasion. Most people asked on the streets of Milan said that they preferred their coffee to be made and crucially enjoyed in the traditional way: Slowly with good company in an expresso bar and not rushed.

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