It’s National White Chocolate Day

If you woke up today and felt the need to celebrate something but you and your family have no birthdays we could have the solution because today is White Chocolate Day. But how to celebrate this event, simple to observe National White Chocolate Day all you need to do is buy some white chocolate and then enjoy it and perhaps if you feel so inclined you could also use the hashtag #NationalWhiteChocolateDay on your social media.

But what is white chocolate and why do people always feel it is in some way inferior to dark or milk chocolate? Many chocolate connoisseurs consider white chocolate to be inferior to regular chocolate because it doesn’t contain any cocoa solids.

White chocolate was first developed commercially in 1936 by the Swiss company Nestle. This white chocolate was and is still known as Galak. Nestle also made a product called Alpine White between 1948 and 1990. Alpine White was a white chocolate bar that was filled with bits of almonds. 

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