National Cookie Day

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December 4th, what is it famous for? Well in America it’s kind of a national holiday in all but name because it’s National Cookie Day.

So here at UKVending we thought we’d have a look and see what all the fuss about proper loaded American style cookies is all about.

Let’s start with the basics, cookie is derived from the Dutch who, let’s face it started a small place called New Amsterdam. Koekie in Dutch means little cake and plenty of them were made in New Amsterdam right up to the time they sold the land to the British who renamed it New York.

Cookies, such as those we know today, are a relatively new invention. Baked biscuits seem to have originated in Persia around the 7th century around the same time that bakers started to use sugar to sweeten the dough. These biscuits quickly spread across Europe and eventually to all points on the globe. America first got the taste of cookies in the 17th century with Macaroons and gingerbread quickly establishing themselves as favourites.

Did you know that there are different categories of cookie?

No? Well there are four: Bar cookies or drop cookies (filled cookies), Moulded cookies (no bake cookies), Pressed cookies (Refrigerator cookies), and Rolled Cookies (Sandwich cookies).

You also don’t need to be American or even be in America to observe National Cookie Day, simply buy cookies and eat them.



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