New innovations making vending machines safer to use

The old adage of ‘you can never be too careful’ has certainly been true in 2020. COVID-19 has made all of us reassess our daily routines and to make, sometimes, radical changes in the way we carry out our daily lives. One of these areas is how we can maintain a safe working environment, particularly on areas with high person touching numbers, such as vending machines.

The Irish company Kastus has developed a solution to this particular problem with their patented surface-coating technology that is shown to be effective against human coronavirus on treated surfaces. This innovative technology can be applied on everything from smartphones to touchscreen kiosks and vending machines and even ceramic tiles.

In independent tests Kastus’s technology has been shown to block up to 99.9 per cent of surface bacteria including superbugs such as MRSA and E.coli.

So how does it work?

The coating is applied and baked in to the top layer of the glass or ceramics surface during the manufacturing process. Once it’s locked in, the coating protects the underlying touchscreen device, glass or ceramic surface, while its antimicrobial power is always on through the lifetime of the product.

While the coating is primarily designed for use on new products, companies can retrospectively add screen protectors with the coating applied to help provide enhanced protection, meaning it could soon be widely available across products such as touchscreen kiosks in restaurants, shopping centres and airports.

If you’d like to find out more about this product contact us at UKVending on 0800 454 301 and also check out our range of hand sanitisers and other personal protection solutions.

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