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The next time you venture into the big smoke for a daytrip or perhaps longer then try and take a smell of London. Don’t breathe in too deeply mind what with all the pollution and what have you; but in between all the toxic and noxious stuff that Londoners breathe every single day you might just be able to detect something with a more familiar perfume to it. Coffee!

Yes coffee and I don’t mean simply from all the Costabuck or Starcafe franchises that seemingly spring up with more alacrity than your common garden weeds. No stand next to a bus lane and you’ll get the best chance to smell the new fuel that propels these mammoths of the capital’s daily commute.

Biobean is a company that has managed to harness the power of the coffee plant in an, yet another, innovative way. The company is fronted by Arthur Kay and he is behind a biochemical process that extracts the natural oils that are produced by the coffee grounds. Once this process is achieved what is left is the residue which can be transformed into fuel for wood burners and similar mechanical devices. The oil meanwhile can be used to replace the much more harmful diesel currently used by London’s world famous red buses.

UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
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