Remember to clean your machines regularly

The consumer group Which has been campaigning for customers for decades and they have recently turned their attention towards coffee machines. At one time or another we have all had that unpleasant taste in our coffee cup that comes from something unexpected in the brewing process that comes from not maintaining and cleaning the machine properly.
Which conducted a survey that found that one in five of their members had never cleaned their machines or if they had it was just once a year! A further 20 percent had never de-scaled their machines. Cleaning is an essential part of the maintenance cycle and UKVending is proud to say that our engineers will conduct cleaning on a regular basis to ensure your machine is at its peak operating performance. That does not, however, mean you should forget to do it yourselves when necessary. Cleaning and maintaining coffee machines is an easy process.
The level of cleaning you do depends on a number of factors including which type of coffee machine you possess.
At UKVending we suggest you follow these simple rules and conduct a thorough cleanse at least once a month. Most machines also have warning lights that tell users it is time to conduct cleaning.
Firstly unplug the machine from the mains electricity and leave for a while for it to cool down.
Which offers advice on a range of subjects for consumers and more details about their ideas regarding cleaning and de-scaling coffee machines in regular use in the workplace can be found by logging onto // – Which?