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Rome’s recycling ticket to ride

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We are all being encouraged to recycle more and many countries across the world are using incentives to make us become more environmentally active and aware. In the Italian capital Rome, they have a new scheme called + Ricicli + Viaggi, or in English + Recycle + Travel. Essentially the Italians have set up recycling machines where PET plastic bottles can be deposited and each bottle will generate 0.05 Euro credit. 30 such deposits will give 1.5 Euro’s enough for a short journey around Rome on a bus.

The machines are located at the Cipro station, Piramide station and at San Giovanni station and the scheme will run for a year to see if it improves the city’s recycling levels.

Rome has an increasingly large problem with rubbish during the summer months as many of the city’s waste dumps have been closed for maintenance leading to rubbish piling up on the streets.


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