So what is your favourite flavour of chocolate? Dark, milk, white, ruby? RUBY!!!

No we haven’t lost our minds there is a new chocolate on the block, if you pardon the pun.

It’s been eight decades since the Swiss chocolate company Nestle introduced the world to white chocolate, but now it appears that there is finally a fourth variety of the world’s favourite confectionary.

For the last 13 years chocolate makers have been secretly developing the new variety which has something of a lurid pink colour to it. This colour is completely natural and has not been achieved with the use of dyes or additives. The new chocolate is said to have a very light and fruity flavour that many test tasters say is almost addictive.

The creator of the new chocolate, Swiss company Barry Callebaut is promoting the new chocolate as a ‘hedonistic’ treat especially considering the price is currently very high. They went on to say that the new ruby chocolate offered ‘a totally new taste experience: neither bitter, milky nor sweet, but a ‘tension between berry fruitiness and luscious smoothness.’

When the chocolate was first displayed to the world at a trade fair in Shanghai last week Barry Callebaut’s chief executive went further and told the waiting press that, “It’s natural, it’s colourful, it’s hedonistic, there’s an indulgence aspect to it, but it keeps the authenticity of chocolate.”

Here at UKVending we can’t wait to try it for ourselves.

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