YouGov conducted a survey in September that proved what we at UKVending have been in support of from the very beginning, that people would support a plastic bottle deposit scheme to reduce waste. The survey showed that three in four people surveyed believed a deposit and refund scheme for plastic bottles would be a winner.

Sandy Luck, of the Marine Conservation Society, which commissioned the YouGov poll, said that it demonstrated that 73 percent of the British population would like to see a scheme introduced by government. “Our poll demonstrates just how strong public support is for a deposit return system. This has been shown to be simple and effective in reducing litter.”

The society also presented government with a petition signed by a quarter of a million people whilst also beaching a 30 ft long boat made from plastic bottles collected by beach clean volunteers from Surfers Against Sewage from just a handful of beaches. A spokesman said: “A deposit return system would prevent an estimated four million plastic bottles from entering the oceans every week in the UK.”

Sadly the large supermarkets oppose the scheme on the grounds that the burden of implementing the system would fall squarely on their shoulders

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