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Tea to fight the flu

This time of year we’re all trying to get in the last of the Christmas presents, decorate the tree and perhaps even stuff the all important turkey for the big day. The one thing we’re all trying to avoid is catching a seasonal bug or even worse the dreaded flu. Well there is some good news, drink some tea, or even perhaps some red wine.


Yes, scientists say, so it must be true, that instead of trying the traditional dose of vitamin C and plenty of bed rest, try brewing up a nice, hot, steaming pot of tea. The experts behind the new research conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in the United States has found that a compound found in red wine, black tea and blueberries called flavonoids actively assists naturally occurring bacteria in our guts to fight off infections and prevent the worst effects of influenza.

Their research was published in a recent edition of the respected journal Science and states that tests conducted on mice in laboratories found that one particular gut bacteria, called micriobiome clostridium oribiscidens when fed with flavonoids metabolised at a greater rate and improved the mice’s immune response to the flu virus.

Research still needs to be conducted on a selection of human trials before we all rush out and dose ourselves with red wine or black tea, but it is a significant new development in the fight against the flu virus.


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