Think that hot chocolate is only for a good night’s sleep? Think again


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Recent research conducted in Boston in the United States has indicated that drinking hot chocolate could be good for older people as it could keep their brains sharp and improve their memories.

The study of 60 people with an average age of 73 was conducted by the Harvard Medical School and saw the participants drink two cups of hot cocoa per day for 30 days. They also did not eat or drink any other chocolate products during the period.

At the end of the study they were given memory and thinking tests as well as being studied with ultrasound to see how their blood flowed around their brains during the tests.

Of the 60 participants, 18 had impaired blood flow at the start of the study. Those people had an 8.3-percent improvement in the blood flow to the working areas of the brain by the end of the study, but there was no improvement for those who started out with regular blood flow.

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