Today is National Peanut Day
Peanuts are one of the staples of the vending machine industry. They have been for well over a century with many unique and interesting ways that entrepreneurs have concocted to sell them. They are cheap, mass produced and are in almost every kind of product from chocolate bars to dressings. But they do have a darker side as anyone who is allergic to them will testify.
Peanuts, which are grown underground, they have a long history, originating in South America over 3,500 years ago. Eaten alone or mixed with butter, peanuts are used in virtually everything including soups and ice cream.
Some interesting facts about peanuts
- Peanuts are chock full of protein and fiberPeanuts satisfy our cravings and help us maintain weight loss. Scientists found that eating small amounts of nuts daily helps dieters lose weight. Just make sure nuts are allowed in your eating plan.
- Peanuts are a no-stress treat. What’s not to love? You crack the shell and enjoy!
- Peanuts are packed with nutrientsPeanuts are abundant in lots of vitamins including B6, niacin, thiamin and vitamin E. Peanuts are also blessed with minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium. Think about that the next time you get ready to eat one. single. peanut.