UK Vending celebrates 50 year of service throughout April 2019
April 2019 is an important anniversary for UK Vending as it marks our fiftieth year of serving our customers with outstanding vending machines and service. The machines and their contents may have changed considerably over the years and technology has been incorporated into everyday machines that in 1969 would have looked like it was straight from a science fiction movie, so we thought we’d look back throughout April to the events that filled the news fifty years ago today.
April 1 1969
With Neil Armstrong yet to place his footprints on the surface of the moon, NASA was looking beyond the Apollo program and announced the creation of the reusable Space Shuttle Program.
At Houston, NASA Engineer Max Faget showed 20 colleagues a small balsa wood and paper model with “straight, stubby wings and a shark-like nose” and told them. “We’re going to build America’s next spacecraft. It’s going to launch like a spacecraft; it’s going to land like a plane.”
Here in the United Kingdom the amazing Harrier GR1 jump jet fighter aircraft entered service with the Royal Air Force at RAF Wittering.