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UK Vending continues to think green


shredded paper

UK Vending is committed to maintain our high standards and levels of recycling and to reduce our impact on the environment by monitoring and reducing our CO2 emissions. To this end we have reviewed what we put into our waste with an eye to transforming our waste policies.

We discovered that 75 percent of all our waste that was put into our recycling bins was cardboard. Previously this valuable product would simply have been discarded but now we have bought a shredder that takes this cardboard and gives it a second use, that of packaging material for our products.

In this way we are now able to see 97 percent of our used cardboard being shredded and re used in an environmentally friendly way and to reduce our reliance on plastic bubble wrap, which in turn reduces UK Vending’s CO2 emissions.

None of the shredded cardboard goes to waste as any excess shredded matting we have left over can be bought by our customers and again helping to make businesses such as ours greener and much better for the environment.

UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
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