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Want to be a dad? Try having a cuppa!



There are lots of old wives tales about how best to become a father, but perhaps science could lend a hand in the process too with new research that indicates that if men drink two cups of coffee or tea a day they are twice as likely to get their partners pregnant.

The study conducted by the Eunice Kenndy Shriver National Institute of Child Health found that men who drank coffee or tea at least twice a day regularly could be benefiting from the effects of two chemicals found within caffeine, ATP and GTP. These two chemicals, so the research says, ‘caffeine prevents them from breaking down so more energy is available to sperm, so it can swim faster or longer’. Needless to say drinkers of de-caffeinated coffee or tea were not likely to see any benefits of drinking more tea or coffee.

The same study also confirmed the widely held belief that women who drank alcohol every other day were 25 percent less likely to conceive.

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