What’s the difference between hot chocolate and hot cocoa?

Yes, there really is a difference. Every 13 December around the world people celebrate National Hot Cocoa Day with a piping hot cup of chocolatey goodness, but people can get confused between cocoa and chocolate when it’s hot and in drink form.

Most people will believe that the two are essentially the same but hot cocoa is made from a powder. A powder that has been made by applying high heat to cacao beans, then introducing sugar and then blending with milk or water.

Hot Chocolate, meanwhile, particularly if you’ve ordered one from a coffee house is made with real milk or dark chocolate that has been shaved, ground or chopped from a larger bar and then melted when combined with milk or water.

Hot cocoa has a thinner consistency but usually is sweeter and creamier than hot chocolate which is richer and denser with a more bittersweet taste.

Needless, to say, whilst the two are subtly different, one thing remains the same. They both taste wonderful.

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