World Food Day

Every 16 October, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations celebrates its founding day in 1945 on what is called “World Food Day”. The day is observed in some 150 countries worldwide and is among the best well known and most participated in of all UN observances. Thus, it is not just an in-house celebration for the FAO.

Over 10 percent of the world’s population suffers from hunger despite the fact that plenty of food is produced to feed everyone. And over a third of all food ends up going to waste, a problem particularly prevalent in wealthy Western countries. These are the kinds of facts that are behind the drive to eliminate world hunger by 2030, the UN’s “Zero Hunger” goal.

World Food Day annually sees media outlets and charities raising awareness about world hunger, how famines and crop failures displace millions of people, and on how eating nutritious, balanced diets can benefit us all.

Here at UKVending, we support World Food Day as tea, coffee and cocoa for our hot chocolate all comes from areas of the world where food hunger is present.

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