World Milk Day 2022

If you’re about to reach into the fridge and pull out the bottle of milk, just before you pour some into your tea or coffee, stop and think for a moment about the ‘white stuff’. Today is 2022 World Milk Day.

World Milk Day is celebrated on 1st June every year to recognize the importance of milk and its inclusion in our society. Milk is often alluded to as a “complete balanced food.” It is an important component of most people’s everyday lives. Dairy Farming is an important livelihood that people across the globe undertake. In reality, the dairy industry provides a living for roughly 1 billion people across the globe!

According to estimates, India is the world’s largest producer of milk. It is also a major exporter of milk products like skimmed milk powder and cottage cheese aka paneer.


On June 1st, 2001, Milk Day became a worldwide event. The roots of global celebrations can be pinpointed to the United Nations (UN). The FAO of the United Nations, in specific, has been in charge of coordinating and publicizing WMD across the planet.

The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) established a global Milk Day over two decades earlier to stress the importance of milk in our lives and societies along with bringing direct attention to the dairy industry and popularise the numerous operations associated with it. 

Milk Day, however, was observed by some other countries long before it was established in 2001. In the pre-Christian period, for example, the British Isles celebrated Milk Day (“Imbolc” – Celtic for “milk”).


World Milk Day 2022 theme is “sustainability in the dairy sector, as well as environmental, nutritional, and socioeconomic empowerment.” The organization also hopes to reinstate dairy production to the planet by assisting in the establishment of a low-carbon dairy future.

They recommend people to discuss this year the dairy industry’s significant contributions to:

  • Dairy industry sustainability activities
  • Farmers care about their communities, the land, and their animals
  • Good food, good health, and good nutrition
  • Role of dairy in economic development and livelihood creation

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