World Plant Milk Day
Are you intolerant to drinking cow’s milk? Well, you’re not alone, the latest research suggests that 65 per cent of the world’s population is, which explains the huge rise in the development and supply of non-diary milk alternatives, which are celebrated today on World Plant Milk Day.
From soy to oat to cashew to hemp, there is a huge diversity of vegan milks with the industry expected to be worth $74.2 billion by 2027. But it’s not just a good thing for business, there are three main reasons why it is a good thing to try to break away from cow’s milk.
Your health
Research consistently shows that a wholefood, plant-based diet, including plant milk is good for you reducing hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. It can also increase energy, reduce bloating, improve digestion and even reduce symptoms associated with asthma.
The environment
Environmentalists often cite modern farming practices, particularly livestock rearing as being harmful for the environment and a significant cause of global warming. Cows are also put under significant stress to produce enormous volumes of milk but by switching to a plant based alternative many of these environmental issues will be lessened.
No one wants to completely want to do away with diary milk, for many it is a natural and flavoursome product that they enjoy but by reducing its consumption and perhaps switching to a 50/50 diary/non diary diet we all could make a change for the betterment of our health and that of the planets too.