Reducing our Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

UK Vending is a responsible supplier that takes every opportunity to reduce its impact on the environment.

We have in place a carbon footprint reduction policy with rigorous procedures that ensure we minimise carbon emissions from all vending products we supply as well as a robust in-house policy that ensures we and our staff are informed, environmentally active and socially responsible thus reducing the impact of all areas of our business on our world.

For a copy of our statement 'Why carbon reduction is vital to UK Vending Ltd' or to discuss how we tackle the problem of maintaining a successful business whilst ensuring we first do no harm, please call our help desk on 0800 454 301

Download our Low Carbon Audit Report here
carbon footprint report

Download our UK Vending Low Carbon Carbon Reduction Plan Template

Visit Rainforest Alliance >>

Recycling your paper cup


Introducing the KLIX Eco Cup - the revolutionary new alternative to plastic-lined paper cups. After years of research and development, we've created the first cup of its kind that doesn't use harmful Polyethylene (PE) lining. Our cup is made with sustainably sourced paper from accredited forests, and coated with a one-of-a-kind water-based dispersion barrier that goes above and beyond the need for a PE-based coating that's commonly used in other paper cups. Finally, a cup that's as eco-friendly as it is functional!

Visit the UKV Blog >>

SimplyCup recycling

Save a Cup

UK Vending with Lavazza has teamed up with Simply Cups a not-for-profit organisation that collects and recycles polystyrene (plastic) cups. The recycling scheme offered by Save a Cup allows KLIX customers to recycle their used plastic cups and reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill sites.

How does it work? When a KLIX customer has joined the Save a Cup scheme they simply need to collect all of their used KLIX cups in special recycling bins. Save a Cup will collect the cups from the site on a regular basis and take them to a plastic recycling plant to be turned into useful products such as ice scrapers and cup trays.

Since we with Lavazza helped to form Save a cup over one billion cups. Each year we estimate that around 300 tonnes of KLIX/Flavia cups are recycled and we want to double this figure over the next couple of years.

brita water filter recycling

Recycling Water Filters

Our recycling programme doesn’t stop there though because we also recycle the water filters used in UK Vending's range of vending, coffee and water coolers. Working with BRITA who plant ensures all parts of the water filter are property reused or recycled.

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